NAME ---- a wrapper for select methods of all DBI versions


    use DBIwrap;

    my $DSN = [ "dbi:SQLite2:dbname=database.sqlite","","" ];
    my $ATTR = { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1 };
    my $dbh = DBIwrap::delay->connect( @$DSN, $ATTR );

    my $where = $dbh->sql_where( { aa => 'abc' } );
    my $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE $where ORDER BY aa;";

    $value = $dbh->select_1st_value( $sql1 );   # scalar selectrow_array
    $array = $dbh->select_1st_array( $sql1 );   # selectrow_arrayref
    $hash  = $dbh->select_1st_hash( $sql1 );    # selectrow_hashref
    $array = $dbh->select_all_value( $sql1 );   # selectcol_arrayref
    $array = $dbh->select_all_array( $sql1 );   # selectall_arrayref
    $array = $dbh->select_all_hash( $sql1 );    # selectall_hashref

    my( $ikey, $ival ) = DBIwrap::sql_insert( $dbh, $hash );
    my $sql2 = "INSERT INTO table ($ikey) VALUES ($ival);";
    $dbh->do( $sql2 );

    my $uset = DBIwrap::sql_update( $dbh, $hash );
    my $sql3 = "UPDATE table SET $uset WHERE $where;";
    $dbh->do( $sql3 );


    All methods in DBIwrap use only some methods and propaties following:

        $dbh->prepare( STATEMENT );
        $sth->execute( BIND_VALUES );

    so DBIwrap is not require the current version of, 
    but is also available under older versions.